Sangita Bhattacharya and PROSTRATEGIC-H: Pioneering the Future of Learning and Development

In an era marked by rapid technological and market changes, Sangita Bhattacharya is redefining the landscape of learning and development. As the driving force behind PROSTRATEGIC-H, Sangita is committed to equip organizations with cutting-edge training solutions designed to address the needs of today’s workforce.

PROSTRATEGIC-H, under Sangita’s leadership, has adapted a distinctive approach which includes providing customized training solutions tailored to the organization’s specific needs and provide end-to-end training solutions. 

Sangita is dedicated to Implement long lost activities and games ingrained in our childhood to enhance learning and ensures that training is interactive and memorable. Sangita Bhattacharya has single handedly started and nurtured Prostrategic-H and with time has gathered a team of high quality trainers and coaches .

Sangita says “While our outbound training helps employees gain learning in real-world environment our POSH training, helps organisations promote a safe and respectful workplace”, Prostrategic-H’s LMS support offers continuous learning opportunities for organisations to ensure lifelong learning.

With a proven track record of 18 years across various sectors including Government agencies, PSUs, and major corporations, PROSTRATEGIC-H is a valuable partner in addressing skills gaps and modernizing training programs.

Explore how Sangita Bhattacharya and PROSTRATEGIC-H can help transform your organization’s learning and development strategies by reaching out for a personalized consultation today.

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