AI’s potential for instructional excellence embraced by QMS teachers, partnering with ISR

Our Lady Queen of the Missions School, Park Circus, hosted a captivating FLY (Find the Leader in You) symposium on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into teaching methods at the Science City, Kolkata on Saturday, August 10, 2024. The event, attended by over 40 dedicated teachers, marked a significant stride towards equipping educators with the knowledge and tools to become AI practitioners, transforming the learning experience for students.

Spearheaded by Sr. Rani Jacob, the visionary principal of the school, the symposium aimed to empower teachers with the strategic use of AI as an assistive technology. Recognizing the immense potential of AI in education, Sr. Rani Jacob has been a tireless advocate for change, aligning the school’s curriculum with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 by partnering with ISR LIFE, USA and bringing AI and STEAM education to the forefront.

Dr. George Panicker, CEO of ISR LIFE, USA, and his team delivered a compelling presentation on the transformative power of AI in the classroom. Drawing from his extensive expertise, Dr. Panicker shared insights and practical strategies that inspired the participating teachers to embrace the integration of AI into their teaching methods.

“AI is an omnipresent force and has the potential to revolutionize education, empowering teachers to personalize learning, enhance student engagement, and unlock new avenues for creativity and innovation,” said Dr. George Panicker. “This symposium is a testament to the school’s commitment to staying at the forefront of educational innovation and ensuring their students are equipped with the skills to thrive in the digital age.”

“This seminar delved into the applications and potential of AI across diverse fields, highlighting its impact, benefits, and future prospects. It also stressed on the need to learn how to use these applications correctly in order to get maximum benefit from it and to break the myths revolving around it” said teacher Niki Arora.

Sr. Rani Jacob, expressed her enthusiasm for the symposium, stating, “We are thrilled to provide our teachers with this invaluable opportunity to upskill and become AI practitioners. By harnessing the power of AI, our educators can unlock new possibilities for personalized learning, data-driven decision-making, and enhanced student outcomes. This is a pivotal step in our journey to transform education and prepare our students for the challenges of the future partnering with International STEAM Research (ISR).”

“At the end of the four-hour-long session conducted by Dr. George Panicker, a stalwart in the field of AI, the teachers, were apprised of the increasing importance of AI and the need to embrace it with immediate effect. This session is yet another feather in the cap of QMS PC, to pioneer in the field of AI enabled 21st-century learning process,” said teacher Sheuli Sen.

The symposium’s success underscores the school’s dedication to staying at the forefront of educational innovation and ensuring that their teachers are equipped with the knowledge and tools to integrate AI into their teaching practices. As the education landscape continues to evolve, Our Lady Queen of the Missions School, Park Circus, remains committed to empowering its educators and shaping the future of learning.

“The role of Artificial Intelligence in the field of education is that of a game changer; a tool that can make teaching more effective and fruitful. This symposium was a truly productive step towards a better tomorrow where our teachers will be the flag bearers of change,” said teacher Mary

“To help us understand the topic of AI better, we fortunately had the guidance of Dr. George Panicker, Ms. Swarnali Adhikari and Ms. Farhat Jabin who through a wonderful, highly informative and enriching session conducted at Science City, enlightened us with their invaluable insights and knowledge on Artificial Intelligence infused teaching. Mr. Panicker not only broke down complex concepts and made them accessible to us but also highlighted both the opportunities and challenges that Al presents in the realm of education. His expertise has not only deepened our understanding of Al but has also opened up new perspectives on how we can integrate these technologies to enhance our teaching practices and better prepare our students and ourselves for the future. It was truly an exhilarating session. One which has given us enough knowledge and the confidence to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with Al in education,” said teacher Sorcha Hupping.

“I hold in high regard the agility, adaptability and eagerness of the teachers of QMS Park Circus, to embrace the process of life-long learning by unlearning and relearning, a skill that is increasingly indispensable in our rapidly evolving world. They have set a powerful example for others to follow. It is such forward-thinking mindset that prepares us all to navigate the complexities of the modern era with confidence and competence,” expressed Dr. Panicker.

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