Disney+ Hotstar has disclosed the trailer of the highly anticipated horror love story “Bloody Ishq”, directed by Vikram Bhatt and written by Mahesh Bhatt. The film, starring Avika Gor, Vardhan Puri and Shyam Kishore, is set to premiere on July 26 2024 on Disney+ Hotstar.
Shyam Kishore, known for his last performances in “Mirzapur” – Season 3, “Adrishyam – The Invisible Heroes”, “The Trial”, “Haseen Dillruba”, “Sacred Games”, expressed his interest about the project, saying, “I feel very lucky that Vikram Bhatt thought of me to cast for this film. I enjoy horror movies and to land my role was engaging and exigent. He also said that this movie is completely different from Bhatt’s previous ones titled “1920: Horrors of the Heart” or “Mansion 24”. Shyam Kishore is really very happy and grateful that Vikram Bhatt considered him and gave a great chance to work in his film. He said and added that is detective character helped him explore his inner abilities as an actor and he really enjoyed working on this film.
Shyam Kishore talks very fondly of this film Bloody Ishq as on the very first day of the shoot he happened to meet Mahesh Bhatt who liked Shyam’s performance a lot and gave a few valuable tips as well. Shyam also got tremendous appreciation from Director Vikram Bhatt for his fine and to the point performance. Director Vikram Bhatt also gave Shyam Kishore a very nice and cool look for the film in the detective’s role. With two back to back releases Shyam Kishore’s career is moving in the right direction as he is currently busy taking narrations of upcoming projects.
Bhatt, known for his masterpieces in the horror genre, shared his thoughts on the movie: “It may be hard to believe me, but I am scared of watching horror films, even though I absolutely enjoy making them for the viewers”. And he added “I am sure that the film will leave an unforgettable mark on Disney+ Hotstar’s audiences.”
Producer Mahesh Bhatt added, “It is always great to create new films with Vikram, as our vision is very similar, and we are always on the same page when it comes to giving the audiences what they would love to watch. “Bloody Ishq” is a one-of-a-kind gripping story that will keep the viewers thinking about the film even when the film is over.
“We received constant support from Disney+ Hotstar, which made working with them a pleasurable experience. A creepy storyline, unexpected twists, and horrors that will constantly haunt, “Bloody Ishq’” has all this and more, and I am confident that Disney+ Hotstar’s audience will definitely enjoy the film.”
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